Sunday, October 18, 2009

Indoor Brick

The Dreadmill

Well, the weather pattern has broken. Not too bad outside right now. However, when I left to do the brick workout this morning, it was still crappy... rain had stopped but it was 39 degrees and windy. I sucked it up and drove over to LA Fitness to do an indoor brick.

LA Fitness in Silver Spring is my gym. It's pretty nice... a big place with lots of equipment. They have LifeTime Fitness cycles and treadmills. I believe this is good equipment though the stationary cycle seat is a little uncomfortable.

Snapshot of my gym.

A key piece of equipment for the indoor brick is the iPod Shuffle. I put together a 3 hour playlist for today's workout. I did some good stretching and core workout and then followed it up with a 90 minute stationary cycle session and a 30 minute run on the treadmill. Put together a high energy, hard rock mix and kept the pace high. It was a good workout.

Loud and proud

I don't mean for this blog to be an exercise diary. But, this helps me keep track of what I've done and when I did it.

Something I would add, is that working out indoors is actually kind of refreshing in cold weather. There is no stopping for traffic or traffic signals. Also, you can definitely control the effort rather than having the terrain dictate what you're doing. But, it can really be a dirge... you're not going anywhere and the scenery doesn't change. Really, the only way I can get through it is with the music blaring through the earbuds. Thank God for the iPod.

-- TJ

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